Somewhere on here, I wrote I have nothing to flog or promote, but that’s not strictly true. With two colleagues, Muriel and Ron, we've recently published an edited volume about James Bond in the Cold War, the cover of which should appear below:
This collection of essays is based on a conference we held at Tallinn back in 2019 dealing with the legacy of the Bondian Cold War. Obviously, I am biased but I think it’s a pretty solid contribution to the canon of work on Bondology.
I’d like to suggest everyone run out and buy a copy. However, it’s an academic text from an academic publisher so the costs are prohibitive, so you’re better off getting the e-book or borrowing it from the library.
For those who want to get an idea of what we’re examining here you can listen to the War Room podcast , and they did a great job of promoting the book on their site.
I suppose all of this is a relatively long drawn-out way of my trying to prove my credentials as a Bondologist, which might strike some of you as a pointless exercise, but I think it is worth the effort not least.
In fact, I had these credentials queried some years ago by the editors at the Times’ Higher Educational Supplement when I wrote a short piece for them about teaching Bond at university to undergraduates. They were eventually reassured by my pointing out I’d taught this course for several years.
Anyways, just putting this up here in advance of future postings.